维塔利Saykin 查看所有bwin体育


Northeastern University, 波士顿, MA (2011-August, 2014)
  • Ph.D. 土木工程 with Concentration in Structures
  • 论文 Title: “A Validated Approach to Modeling Collapse of Steel Structures”
  • Jerome F建议. Hajjar, Northeastern University and Junho Song, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • M.S. 土木工程 with Concentration in Structures
  • Thesis Title: “Pavement Macrotexture Monitoring through Sound Generated by Tire-Pavement Interaction”
  • Ming L建议人. 东北大学王教授
  • B.S. 土木工程


研究生 Structural Engineer, Austin, TX (2019-present)
  • Residential and commercial projects dealing with new construction, 取证和修复, 和装修.
    • 钢筋混凝土分析与设计, 热轧和冷弯型钢, 砌筑, and wood structures in addition to foundations and retaining walls. Projects range from multi-story new construction to small renovations to adaptive reuse.
    • Project time management, interacting with clients and perform site visits.
    • Documentation of structural deficiencies, failures, and underperformance; their causes and solutions.
助理教授, 土木工程署, 温特沃斯理工bwin体育, 波士顿, MA (2014-2018)
  • 教学
    • 本科:Matlab入门, 静力学, 材料力学, 设计项目, 结构钢设计, 结构分析2, 钢筋混凝土设计, 帽石
    • 研究生: Engineering Modeling and Analysis Methods
  • 研究
    • Finite element modeling of collapse of steel structures through implementation of fracture mechanics
    • 断裂力学
    • 钢结构在倒塌作用下的性能
  • 服务
    • 学生支持和建议, 支持认证, 教师参议院, 钢桥, 部门委员会, 疲劳与断裂委员会, 大学委员会(LIT), COOP), BSCE期刊评审委员会
研究生 教学 Assistant, Northeastern University, 波士顿, MA (2011-2014)
  • Experience in 教学 Structural Engineering Courses
    • Taught Structural Analysis 1 Recitation (which also covered Strength of Materials)
    • 结构分析教学助理, 混凝土结构性能, 高级结构分析, 结构动力学, 先进桥梁设计
    • Taught structural review sessions for students taking Fundamentals of Engineering Examination
    • Supervised undergraduate concrete canoe competition
研究生 研究 Assistant, Northeastern University, 波士顿, MA (2011-2014)
  • Nonlinear continuum finite element modeling of steel structures
    • Implemented ductile fracture mechanics in finite element for collapse modeling
    • Studied the effect of triaxiality as an influential parameter for ductile fracture occurrence in steel structures
  • Primary authorship of papers in conference and peer-reviewed journals (in progress)
研究生 研究 Assistant, 东北大学,波士顿,马萨诸塞州(2009-2011)
  • Investigated the prediction of pavement macrotexture through sound generated by tire-pavement interaction
  • Sensor selection, installation, calibration, validation
  • Presentation of research at Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (June, 2011)
  • 协助组织2011年EMI会议
  • Primary authorship of paper in Journal of Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Intern, DN Tanks (formerly Natgun Corporation), Wakefield, MA (2007-2009)
  • Developed preliminary (bid), final, and fabrication drawings
  • Performed design calculations, material takeoffs, specifications
  • Tutored math, drafting, and engineering courses privately at Springfield Technical Community College


  • 成员. 美国土木工程学会(第3期)
  • 成员. 第3期 Structural Engineering Institute Technical 活动 Division Fatigue and Fracture Committee
  • 第3期 Journal of Structural Engineering Paper reviewer
  • 成员. Structural Engineers Association of 麻萨诸塞州 (SEAMASS)
  • 成员. 波士顿土木工程师学会分会(BSCES)
  • 许可.培训工程,EIT (2009)
  • 气ε (2007年12月)


  • Fatigue Tests and Data Analysis of Metal Components Under Different Stress Levels with Stress Concentrations” by Xiaobin Le, 理查德•罗伯茨, 还有维塔利·塞金
2011年第3期 EMI学生海报奖
  • Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference , 波士顿, 麻萨诸塞州, June 4th, 2011
2008 Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) Grant


  • MS Office • AutoCAD • Revit • ABAQUS • SAP2000 • RISA • Matlab • Python • C++ • SQL


  • 俄语•西班牙语


  • Saykin,活力V.阮,T.丹尼斯,D.哈贾尔,J. F. 宋杰. (2017). “The effect of triaxiality on finite element deletion strategies for simulating collapse of full-scale steel structures,工程结构, 210, 110364, 5月1日, 2020
  • Saykin,活力V.阮,T.丹尼斯,D.哈贾尔,J. F. 宋杰. (2017). “Material Characterization Using Finite Element Deletion Strategies for Collapse Modeling of Steel Structures,工程结构, 147, 125-133, 9月15日, 2017
  • Saykin V. V.张,Y.曹,Y.王,M.麦克丹尼尔,J. (2013). “Pavement Macrotexture Monitoring through Sound Generated by a Tire-Pavement Interaction” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, SPECIAL ISSUE: Experimental Methods in Damage Detection and Wind Engineering, 卷. 139, pp. 264-271.


  • Deniz D.赛金,V. V.阮,T.宋杰.哈贾尔,J. F. (2014). 钢结构的倒塌预测,” Proceedings of the 2015 Structural Engineering Frontier Conference, 东京工业大学, 横滨, 日本, 3月18日至19日, 2015
  • Saykin V. V.阮,T.哈贾尔,J. F.丹尼斯,D.宋杰. (2014). “Validation of a Finite Element Approach for Modeling of Structural Collapse of Steel Structures,《bwin体育》, 波士顿, 麻萨诸塞州, 4月3日- 5日, 2014, 第3期, 弗吉尼亚州的莱斯顿

Ph.D. 论文

  • Saykin V. V. (2014). “A Validated Approach for Modeling Collapse of Steel Structures,” Ph.D. 论文, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, 波士顿, 麻萨诸塞州


  • Peer-reviewed paper “Rebar Anchorage Slip Macro Model Considering Bond Stress Distribution” submitted for Engineering Structures 2017
  • Peer-reviewed paper “Dynamic Increase Factor for Progressive Collapse Analysis of Steel Frames with Semi-Rigid Connections” submitted for Engineering Structures 2017
  • Peer-reviewed paper “Collapse Resistance of Steel Columns under Combined Axial and Lateral Loading” submitted for Journal of Structural Engineering, 2015年第3期


Dr. Saykin合著, “The effect of triaxiality on finite element deletion strategies for simulating collapse of full-scale steel structures,的照片 工程结构学报, 哪一本是2017年出版的.

Dr. Saykin won the 2015 SAGAN Faculty Fund WIT Grant Award, which awarded him and his collaborators with a grant of $25,000.

In addition to being a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (第3期), Dr. Saykin is also an 第3期 Journal of Structural Engineering Paper reviewer.

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